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The Life Insurance Corporation of India officials has released the mains exam result for Assistant Administrative Officer Recruitment. All the contenders who have attended the exam can download their LIC AAO Mains Result 2019 here. The LIC has released the list of candidates who have cleared the mains exam. Lots of numbers of candidates have appeared for the mains exam. The mains exam was conducted on 28 June 2019. The selected candidates in the mains exam have to attend the interview round. The marks obtained by candidates in the prelims exam will not be considered during the final selection.
How to Check LIC AAO Mains Result 2019
Visit the official website.
On the home page search the link for LIC AAO Mains Result 2019.
Click on the link.
A new window will open with result PDF.
Check your full name and roll number in the PDF.
Download the PDF and take a print out of it.
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