Chhattisgarh Police Constable

Chhattisgarh Police Constable

Chhattisgarh Police Recruitment Board conducts the exam for constable posts. 12th pass contenders can attend this exam.

The selection is a 4 step process:

  1. Document Verification
  2. Physical Measurement Test (PMT)
  3. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  4. Written Exam.

The written exam:- Question paper consists of the following

Total Markes: 100
Total duration:  2 hours
Subjects: General Knowledge, Mental Ability, Analytical Ability and Arithmetic

The Physical Measurement Test (PMT) is qualifying in nature.

  Male Candidate Female Candidate
Min. Height  168cm 158cm
Chest 81-86cm NA

The Physical Efficiency Test (PET):- comprises of 150 marks. Maximum marks are 50 for each race.

Male Candidate:- In PET there will 400 meters, 1500 meter and 5 km race for male contenders. Maximum marks for the race is 50. The contenders who complete the 400-meter race 01 minute and 08 seconds will be given 50 marks.  The 1500 meter race have to complete it in 05 minutes and 05 km race in minimum 16 minutes

Female Candidate:- For female, there will 400 meters, 800 meters and 3 km race. Maximum marks for the race is 50. Female contenders have to complete 800-meter race in 02 minutes and 30 seconds. and 03 km race in a minimum of 13 minutes.


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